Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Group of Seven on the Wall

When applying to grants for the Canadian arts funding organizations, it is easy to imagine members of the jury looking at your webpage or reading your blog… it makes me nervous. So here it is, the blog that shows my artistic path.

The Group of Seven Organs is up on a wall. It's great to see the work as a group, photograph it, look at it from a distance, and think of it as somebody else's production. Now it has a life of its own. Each one of the Seven taught me different things about my self and about others. For instance I realized I do feel the liver but in an indirect way: when I overload my diet with animal protein, I get an stirrup taste in my mouth (Yuk! I know). So avoid eating meat and eggs and the iron taste goes away in a couple of days. After reading this blog my mom told me she feels liquid traveling along the bile ducts. Who knew? 

This group of organs made me aware of my inside landscape in a new way. For instance, I learned about the spleen (bazo in Spanish) and the gallbladder (vesicula biliar). Two fascinating little corners of the body that do a lot for me. I learned that the spleen is part of the lymphatic system, clearing worn red cells and taking care of other foreign bodies that could be harmful. I thought of including the spleen in my collection but at the end didn't because I wanted to limit the work to the organs I have had issues with.

The Group of Seven is ready to leave me and travel. Where to? I have yet to find out, and I will keep you posted. For now, take a look at its first layout. I suspect the order will change soon. What would this artwork say on a different surface, or in another environment? We'll have to try and see.

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